
In these days of HIPAA regulations, with all the accompanying agreements to read and sign to protect patient privacy, my clients often tell me that they are not always sure just how private their information is.  Their concerns about how their doctors are maintaining confidentiality begin in the waiting room. Check out my article on […]

Research is showing that PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, can be cumulative, meaning that it can occur over time. That means those little events that occur along the road of living with a chronic condition can, over time, essentially wear down your coping resources. PTSD can result. I hope you will take a look at a […]

Living with a chronic condition can have a big impact on your identity. And if you are a parent of a child with a chronic condition, their diagnosis can also have an impact on their identity. I recently posted an article on this topic, focused on adults with bleeding disorders, and parents of kids with […]

Living with a chronic condition like a bleeding disorder can have an impact on your identity. If you are a parent of a child with a bleeding disorder, your child’s identity is also being affected. Here is an article that I recently published about identity:

I often talk to clients about the importance of sitting down with family members or other loved ones and sharing a meal together. It is an opportunity to bond, to share thoughts and feelings, so support each other. A really important part of your emotional self-care. Here’s a link to an article I wrote recently: […]

How do I make friends? It’s a question I hear often. Having a solid support system is important when you’re living with a chronic condition. Making friends takes some work. If you are looking to expand your support network, I hope you will take a look at my article on finding friends.

Being recently diagnosed with a chronic condition can take a hit on your self-confidence.  And so can living with a chronic condition over time.  And what is one of the areas in life where you most want to feel, and show, how confident you are?  Most likely, your job.  After all, our careers one of […]

Joy! Joy! Joy?   The holidays can be difficult when you are living with a chronic condition.  I sure don’t need to tell you that.  And it can be all too easy to fall into kind of a negative attitude about the holidays.  Joy?  Are you kidding?  Here’s a link to an article that might […]

My clients have often told me that they stay in relationships that aren’t going anywhere at least in part as a result of their chronic condition. They may feel like they can’t do any better because of their health situation, so they may as well try to make it work. Have you ever felt that […]

All kids want to achieve an age-appropriate level of independence from their parents. That can be hard for parents under the best of circumstances. When a child is living with a chronic condition, helping a child become independent can be a challenge. Why? Because it’s hard for parents to not want to hover around their […]