Dr. Gary

It is only human to have lots of fears around your child’s chronic condition. After all, part of your job as a parent is to be aware of, and actively preventing, the “what ifs.” And chances are, you’ve already experienced some of them, or come close. Fear can keep you motivated to do everything you […]

As a therapist, I frequently talk with my clients about their quality of life. In fact, assisting them in increasing their quality of life is often one of our goals. Now, you may already be asking, that’s a pretty general term so how do you make that an actionable goal. That’s a good question. I […]

Getting your annual checkup? Yes, I am asking this question twice. I will tell you why. I work with a lot of sick people, some of them very sick. And I have had a lot of friends over the years who have been very sick. Some of them regularly met with their healthcare providers when […]

“You need to be more proactive.” Has anyone ever said this to you?  Your partner?  Your boss?  Your doctor? And when they said it, how did you feel?  Motivated?  Annoyed?  Confused? It seems to me that the word “proactive” is thrown around pretty often.  Maybe a little too often.  So while the need to be […]

As a therapist, I frequently talk with my clients about their quality of life.  In fact, assisting them in increasing their quality of life is often one of our goals.  As you might agree, quality of life is an especially important concern and, yes, challenge, for individuals and families who are living with a chronic […]

We all have those days when we just aren’t feeling ourselves. If you are living with a chronic condition, it is only human nature to start to worry about your health. Am I coming down with something? Are my medications working? It is also human nature to worry about your mental health on a bad […]

Changes are coming! So… what’s your first reaction when you read those three words?  Let me guess.  Oh wow!  Enthusiasm?  You just can’t wait?  Or oh wow!  Again?  More?  Why?  Followed by some fear, frustration, disappointment, and lots of anxious thoughts.  Maybe all of the above? Humans are wired to keep things as they are, […]

Have you felt that need for closure eating away at you lately?  Can’t quite let it go until it has all been sliced, diced, and lined up in a neat row?  You’re in good company.  However… while wanting closure is only human, it can also be detrimental to your emotional wellness.  Digging in your heels […]

Mad? Sad? Glad? Scared? Ashamed? These are some of the words therapists use to help get their clients started on identifying their feelings.  You might be using these words, among many others, to identify your own feelings.  If so, good for you!  However, you might also find yourself to be not so comfortable in talking […]