Dr. Gary

Remember Compassion 101.  Sure, you’re the one who’s living with a chronic condition.  But your partner is also affected.  And sometimes what feels like unkind or inconsiderate behavior can be an expression of frustration, or fear, or helplessness.  Everybody is struggling in their own way.  Before you jump to the usual conclusion, assume that everybody […]

Isolation can lead to loneliness and despair.  Spend time with people you care about, who can listen, who care share the hard times and celebrate the good times.  When we spend time with others, we are reminded of the bigger picture of life, that other people are also living with challenges.  You are not alone.

You may have a general idea of what you would like to have more of in your life, such as “to take better care of myself” or “to be happier.”  That’s a start, but it doesn’t give you a lot to work with when it comes to creating a vision.  And one that you can […]

Take some time each day to nurture your spirit.  You may do this through meditation, sitting in a quiet place and simply counting your breaths. Try going off by yourself and contemplating the events of the day.  Or communicating with your Higher Power through prayer, expressing appreciation and seeking guidance.  Listen to that “still, small voice” […]

If you are seeing a specialist, ask him/her inform your primary care physician of their recommendations.  If possible, encourage them to have a conversation about your case, and to remain in consultation with each other going forward.  After all, your doctor knows your medical history and has insight that will be valuable to the specialist that […]

Don’t fight with your own feelings.  Let yourself feel how you feel.  Don’t force yourself to smile and pretend everything is fine when you aren’t feeling well, physically or emotionally.  You have enough on your plate without reporting yourself to the positive thinking police.  You can be optimistic but still have days when life just […]

Sure, you’re the one who’s living with a chronic condition.  But everybody in your house is also affected.  And sometimes what feels like unkind or inconsiderate behavior can be an expression of frustration, or fear, or helplessness.  Everybody is struggling in their own way.  Before you jump to the usual conclusion, assume that everybody is […]

Ask yourself a tough question: Is dwelling on what other people have “done to me” a way of avoiding taking responsibility for my own life?   If there is an upside to holding a grudge, it’s that you can place all of the blame for what’s not going well in your life on others, and not […]

Having trouble staying on track with your self-care regimen?   Find someone to “answer to” in some way, to check in with periodically on your progress, or lack of progress.  This might be a friend, a family member, a healthcare professional.  Someone who can listen without judging you or telling you what to do.  Who can […]

Are you doing your homework? Explore the websites of associations that are focused on your condition, like the American Diabetes Association or the American Lung Association, to learn about recommended treatments and testing.  Check out consumer sites of trusted authorities like the Mayo Clinic.  Where possible, talk to other patients with your condition.