Feeling overwhelmed? Divide and Conquer!

Sometimes it can feel like life throws a lot of curveballs at once, and they come at us so fast that we feel like we don’t know which one to try and catch, or if we should even bother to try. 

Here’s a way to look at what’s going on in your life in a way that might help to reduce your anxiety.

I would recommend thinking of each challenge separately, as if you were holding each one in a bucket.  For example, your finances may be one problem.  Your relationships may be another problem.  Managing your medical condition is one problem.  Identify the other problems you are facing and place each one in its own bucket. 

Then, go from one bucket to the next, one at a time rather than all at once.  As you examine what’s in each bucket, ask yourself: What do I have control over here and and what do I not have control over?  Is there anything about this problem that needs my attention?  What do I have to do?  What do I have to accept? 

Decide what you can and can’t do.  Take necessary action.  And then go on to the next bucket. 

This isn’t magic.  Your problems aren’t going to magically go away.  But you can at least see where you are making headway and where you aren’t, and you can see what you need to do.  And maybe you can even see where you need to relax. 

The point is to look at your life challenges in a way that provides you with the opportunity to see where they can, individually, be managed.  It’s when we see only this big mass of trouble that we feel overwhelmed. 

Part of coping with life is realizing what we can change and what we can’t change, and then deciding how best to go with the flow. 

I would also encourage you to reach out for support.  Friends, family members, who can listen objectively when you need to talk.  You might also consider reaching out to a mental health professional to help you to maintain your perspective as you deal with these challenges. 

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