
If I was a fly on the wall at your place, what would I learn about the emotional atmosphere?  Your home is a safe space.   I know we hear that term a lot these days.  But when it comes to your home, it’s important for everybody to be able to look forward to being there, […]

Winter is a time of decline, as we watch the leaves on the trees wither away with the freezing weather.  But the decline of winter creates spaces which are filled with more growth with the coming of spring.  This can be a metaphor for our own lives.  Loss creates spaces in our lives.  And we […]

I am constantly talking with clients who have unsupportive partners.  Sometimes, their partner just isn’t all that helpful, but other times I hear about partners who are downright abusive.  Awhile back, I wrote an article about how to cope with an unsupportive partner.  I am providing a link here.  And keep watch for an article […]

I am reminded of the importance of friends and family during this holiday season, as I am on every holiday season.  But I think that, as I get older, being near the people I care most about has become even more important to me.  I was fortunate to have family visiting over Thanksgiving.  A wonderful […]

One of the best ways to bond with someone else is simply to ask them a question.  A question shows your interest and concern. It tells the other person that they are on your mind and you want to know about what their life has been like, how they are feeling, how they are thinking, […]

Asking questions is important in a relationship. Here’s why: A question shows your interest and concern. It tells the other person that they are on your mind and you want to know about what their life has been like, how they are feeling, how they are thinking, and what they might need from you. It’s […]

I am hearing a lot about the importance of getting adequate sleep recently.  I think this is due to a couple of reasons.  First, people are getting more serious about maintaining their wellness, and sleep is an important component in being healthy.  Second, we live in stressful times, and stress has a negative impact on […]

Have you had a good day lately? And if you did, what made it good?  You might be thinking: Why not just be thankful when a good day comes along? What’s the value in trying to analyze it?  Well, that’s a good question. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, right? But here’s why: […]

The decision to stop treatment is a difficult one. If you, or a loved one, are ever in that position, here are some thoughts to help guide you.  Ultimately, it’s your decision. After all, it’s your life. While the desires of loved ones may be factors in your decision, you have the right to decide […]

My clients often talk to me about their frustrations and fears when they are on a regimen that is now working.  They talk about how they did everything they could to stay compliant, how their physician had assured them that this regimen should be successful. But it wasn’t.  These clients are living with conditions like cancer, […]